Monthly Archives: May 2013

Candy Crush Saga Might Just be Ruining My Life!

Candy Crush Saga Might Just be Ruining My Life!.

Candy Crush Saga Might Just be Ruining My Life!

Candy Crush Saga might just be ruining my life! Well…not really but it is quite addicting. I held out for so long and didn’t play and now I’m hooked. The worst thing ever happened tonight too. I had to uninstall and reinstall the app and when I reinstalled it, I had lost two of the levels that took me forever to get past originally!!!! Aaaargh! Frustrating…but oh so much fun. Must keep playing. Must send requests to friends. Must send lives to friends. Must try to not be a zombie!

I’ve been feeling sick for the past few weeks on and off. It might be time to go to the doctor soon because it’s getting annoying. I came home after work and crashed for a few hours, woke up, took a shower, and then played Candy Crush Saga. You might be thinking at this point that I have a problem with playing that game, well… I don’t have a problem, okay!?!??!! So stop thinking that!!!. Lol it’s just fun.

I’ve been thinking a lot about writing a series of short stories and self publishing them. I don’t think I’d have the patience to actually write a full length novel before deleting it but I think I could probably stomach writing some short stories. I usually get a great idea, write about 30-70 pages, and then decide it is all crap and trash it. The few people I’ve confessed that too have seemed appalled that I would work that hard on something only to get rid of it before anyone saw it. So maybe, like my poetry and the few songs I’ve written/shared with others, it just needs to be put out there? I don’t know. It seems so cliché but there’s this story stuck in my brain that’s waiting to come out but I just won’t let it. Inside my head it’s protected against scrutiny and judgement. Out in the world, it’s practically defenseless!

I’ve been trying to take inspiration from a few amazing authors whose books I love. Were they not bold when they shared their stories with the world? Even if only a few of my friends read it, wouldn’t that be worth it? Or maybe even a few strangers? I should probably stop acting like this is an actual journal and get back to what I really wanted to write about today.

I don’t remember what the whole point of this was supposed to be about. I’m going to go see if I have any more lives so I can play more Candy Crush Saga. Goodnight!


I don’t even know anymore. Here’s a brief explanation of what’s been up.

So there’s really no excuse for me letting myself down. I made a commitment to this blog and then gave up when life got super busy. There’s really no guarantees that it won’t happen again and again but I can’t try to resurrect this poor old blog.

In short, what happened was I got super busy being a leader of an actual worship team and then found out some rather depressing news about my ex-fiancé that had to do with the fact that he couldn’t keep it in his pants when I wasn’t around 24/7. There’s not enough time right now to go into all the things I’d like to say to him or about the situation so I just won’t.

Then dropped off the face of the earth and have now decided it is time for this to become a reality again. After all, there’s so much that has happened since I stopped writing and so much left to happen in these short last months.

So stay tuned. I hope I won’t disappoint you.


Do NOT read this blog post with a secret deleted scene.


Colleen Hoover

Before we get to the uninteresting stuff, let’s get the uninteresting stuff out of the way, shall we?

I recently opened up my PO box for signing, which means if you go up there ^^^ to the link that says, “signed books” there will be instructions on how to mail your books to me and have them signed and shipped back.

When opening this option, I had no idea how many of you would take advantage of it.  As evidenced by this picture from only two days of accumulation at the PO box.  postoffice

Talk about a lot of books!  It’s a great “problem” to have.  In fact, I’ve now started dedicating an entire day out of each week to just sign and ship back all the books I’ve been getting.  And so far, with the help of my awesome boss who does the majority of the organizing for me…

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Worthily Magnify

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But Not Before Coffee

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Ella Brooke Photography

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City on a Hill(ing)

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Lauren's Weblog

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Jax out of the Box

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God's Overflow

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