Blog Archives

I <3 Snow Patrol and hate being sick! (353-348)

Oh my word!  Snow Patrol never ceases to amaze me!  They are always so great in concert!  I just had to get that out of my system right away since I’ve been sick and haven’t been able to post anything in quite a while.  I guess that’s okay since I had the whole being sick excuse.


Back to Snow Patrol.  I always fall in love with Gary’s voice every time I hear him.  The way he talks, the way he moves, the faces he makes, and the obvious fun he has when on stage all comes together with the fun the other band members have performing – especially Paul – I just can’t get enough!  They are some of the best performers I’ve ever seen, and I’m kind of a concert junky!  


So, my awesome Snow Patrol Saturday started with me, Brandi, and Dustin leaving town at 3:45am.  We ran through McDonalds for coffee and food and hit the road.  We arrived in Santa Barbara around 6am, drove around until we found the venue, pulled into the parking lot and saw a tour bus!  We then saw the police cruiser also in the parking lot and decided to park in the neighborhood and take a nap.  We napped until 9am and then decided to stake our place in line.  Brandi and I ended up being the first two people in line!!!!  Unfortunately, Dustin was sick (with what I ended up getting) and slept in the car for a few more hours.  We made friends with the next two girls (Michelle and her friend) to join us in line and grabbed some food with them after the line started getting longer (around 11:30am) and we had woken Dustin up to hold our place in line.  Dustin ended up ditching us around 1:30pm and it ended up being just me and Brandi in line the rest of the day.  There was a girl there from Korea who was really cool and a woman named Jill from Canada who spoke like she knew the band like they were good friends.  


There  was also another girl who Brandi and I saw at the last SP concert at the Palladium and thought she was kinda loud and annoying but she actually ended up being really cool!  As the time neared for us to enter the gates and make our way up the MOST HORRIBLE HILL EVER, she generously offered to help save places at the rail so all of us who waited for all day in line would be up front and not people who were just pushy and persistent.  I ended up talking to her about God and Thrice and concerts/music in general once we were all inside along with a lady behind me who looked no older than 32 but who was actually 40-something.  Gave me hope for my future concert going that I won’t look totally dumb at concerts in 11 years.  Turns out that, as hard as I try, I still make snap judgements about people that are totally unfair to them.  If I had remained ignorant and mean (in my head) towards this girl, I never would have gotten to talk to her about Snow Patrol and Thrice and Brand New and God.  It was a good, humbling reminder that I need to keep an open mind about all people and that concerts are a really awesome place to talk to people about God in a natural way without being pushy!!!  I really hope she ends up listening to The Modern Post (Thrice’s lead singer’s new worship music band).  Maybe this is the beginning of God working in her life?


Lissie opened for Snow Patrol.  She was amazing!  I didn’t think I’d like her based on what I had hear on Spotify.  Well, mostly it was the one song she had on Spotify where she talks about taking a drink of tequila before singing.  I had this bad impression in my head about her.  BUT she turned out to be really talented and her band was awesome.  Not quite up to par as far as performances go when comparing her to Snow Patrol…but there’s really no competition.  Snow Patrol is and probably always will be, the absolute best live band I will see.  I got to stand front rail, slightly to the right of center which worked out better than dead center because Gary tends to go to either side of the center up to the very edge of the stage to sing.  It’s awesome.  Only bummer…he didn’t go into the crowd.  But hey, I have something to look forward to next time, right?  LOL.  My next goal is to meet the band AND to see them at every California concert they play next time they’re on tour.


It was a tiring but very amazing day.  After the concert, Brandi and I met up with Dustin, Corrie, Matt, Taylor, David, Kelli, and Jason and went to dinner.  Brandi and I shared the most disgusting mac and cheese on the planet.  Taylor and David bought me an awesome blue hoodie for my birthday present.  Then Dustin, Brandi, and I drove home.  We got back around 3:30ish am and I woke up the next day with a massive headache (no, I did not drink at the concert) and sick.  


What an amazing first concert of the last 365 days of being in my twenties.  I truly felt like a young 29 for those 24 hours and full of life and adventure.  Now, here’s some photos from the concert.  I’ll post more if my other photos ever upload to Facebook.  











If there’s a rocket tie me to it / Delena is the hottest fictional couple ever! (355)

Vampire Diaries Thursdays are one of my favorite days of the week.  It’s so much fun to watch the show with friends and root for Damon and Elena to get together finally and for for-ev-er! The sooner everyone gets on board the Damon and Elena train, the better.

Watching TVD was the highlight of my Thursday. Nothing monumental or super exciting happened today. I caught up on a few shows and watched some TV. I played guitar. I ate dinner.  I took a nap. Seriously, nothing exciting at all.  Work was good though. It went by really quickly which is always something I appreciate. I think it has something to do with it being Thursday. Tomorrow will probably go really slowly, especially since Saturday is Snow Patrol day!!! Yay!!!! I can’t even express how excited I am to see them again. It’s going to be awesome!


Snow Patrol!!!!

There’s something that’s bothered me for quite a few years and has recently come to my attention again. Why do guys find it so funny to pretend to be gay or to do quasi-homosexual things? Why is it considered so funny for two hetero guys to act like that but when girls do it, other women just think they’re stupid and guys think they’re hot? It just doesn’t make sense to me. Maybe it’s because I’m not the type of girl to do that? It’s not even a “christian” thing, it’s just who I am. Is that just a way for guys to be physically close to one another without other people legitimately wondering if they’re gay? Or is it really just the way guys think and what they find funny? Hopefully I’ll one day find an answer…

I’m thinking about starting a blog about all the books I read for school and for fun. Not necessarily for the benefit of other people so much as for my benefit to keep them all straight. I can literally read a fiction book in a few hours.  If it’s anywhere around 200-250 pages, it’ll probably only take me 3 to 4 hours to finish it. The only probably with being a fast reader is that I don’t always retain every detail of the story. Hence, the reason I am thinking of starting a blog about the books I read. I would also like to have a book club when I’m done with VLI so I can read books with my friends and discuss them. Anyone want to join me?

I must be going to sleep now aka read until I pass out from exhaustion. Insomnia and other external factors really suck. Peace and GO TEAM DAMON!!!!!!


All great revelations, please take a number (357)

Today was a good Tuesday.  Work was long (I’m not sure why the work day has been seeming so long lately) but it wasn’t good or bad; just a normal Tuesday.

Acton Rehab was good though. Rick taught tonight on “forgive us our debts as we forgive our debtors” and I lead worship.  I’m in desperate need of learning some new songs. Everyone told me I did really well even though I have a sore throat and felt like I was only functioning at 68%. It’s times like these that I’m even more grateful for feedback.

I as super exhausted by the time I got home.  I made a very easy but yummy dinner- a Pb and J sandwhich- and fell asleep…at 9:30! Lol. I just woke up. Any other Tuesday it would be Dexter night with some friends but I guess we’re taking a break until our friend is done moving? Whatever the reason, I’m grateful for the time I get to now rest and hopefully get better. This is Snow Patrol weekend after all!!!!

To say that I’m excited to see Snow Patrol is an understatement. They’re one of my favorite bands and the only one, out of my fav’s that are touring. Lucky me!!!  As I wrap up tonight’s post, please look at this lovely photo of some of the members of Snow Patrol. See how close I was last time? I was in the front row on the left.  This time, I’ll be front row center baby!!!!


Hi, my name is Jenn and I’m addicted/obsessed with Snow Patrol.


Worthily Magnify

Exalting Jesus in His Church and Through His Word

Thought Catalog

Thought Catalog is a digital youth culture magazine dedicated to your stories and ideas.

The Mojave Foundation

Improving quality of life for citizens in Mojave

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Improbable Dreamer

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Thusianzosan's Blog

Romans 12:1-2

Groovitude's Musings

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Heart Burn

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But Not Before Coffee

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Ella Brooke Photography

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City on a Hill(ing)

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Lauren's Weblog

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Jax out of the Box

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God's Overflow

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