Monthly Archives: October 2012

I <3 Snow Patrol and hate being sick! (353-348)

Oh my word!  Snow Patrol never ceases to amaze me!  They are always so great in concert!  I just had to get that out of my system right away since I’ve been sick and haven’t been able to post anything in quite a while.  I guess that’s okay since I had the whole being sick excuse.


Back to Snow Patrol.  I always fall in love with Gary’s voice every time I hear him.  The way he talks, the way he moves, the faces he makes, and the obvious fun he has when on stage all comes together with the fun the other band members have performing – especially Paul – I just can’t get enough!  They are some of the best performers I’ve ever seen, and I’m kind of a concert junky!  


So, my awesome Snow Patrol Saturday started with me, Brandi, and Dustin leaving town at 3:45am.  We ran through McDonalds for coffee and food and hit the road.  We arrived in Santa Barbara around 6am, drove around until we found the venue, pulled into the parking lot and saw a tour bus!  We then saw the police cruiser also in the parking lot and decided to park in the neighborhood and take a nap.  We napped until 9am and then decided to stake our place in line.  Brandi and I ended up being the first two people in line!!!!  Unfortunately, Dustin was sick (with what I ended up getting) and slept in the car for a few more hours.  We made friends with the next two girls (Michelle and her friend) to join us in line and grabbed some food with them after the line started getting longer (around 11:30am) and we had woken Dustin up to hold our place in line.  Dustin ended up ditching us around 1:30pm and it ended up being just me and Brandi in line the rest of the day.  There was a girl there from Korea who was really cool and a woman named Jill from Canada who spoke like she knew the band like they were good friends.  


There  was also another girl who Brandi and I saw at the last SP concert at the Palladium and thought she was kinda loud and annoying but she actually ended up being really cool!  As the time neared for us to enter the gates and make our way up the MOST HORRIBLE HILL EVER, she generously offered to help save places at the rail so all of us who waited for all day in line would be up front and not people who were just pushy and persistent.  I ended up talking to her about God and Thrice and concerts/music in general once we were all inside along with a lady behind me who looked no older than 32 but who was actually 40-something.  Gave me hope for my future concert going that I won’t look totally dumb at concerts in 11 years.  Turns out that, as hard as I try, I still make snap judgements about people that are totally unfair to them.  If I had remained ignorant and mean (in my head) towards this girl, I never would have gotten to talk to her about Snow Patrol and Thrice and Brand New and God.  It was a good, humbling reminder that I need to keep an open mind about all people and that concerts are a really awesome place to talk to people about God in a natural way without being pushy!!!  I really hope she ends up listening to The Modern Post (Thrice’s lead singer’s new worship music band).  Maybe this is the beginning of God working in her life?


Lissie opened for Snow Patrol.  She was amazing!  I didn’t think I’d like her based on what I had hear on Spotify.  Well, mostly it was the one song she had on Spotify where she talks about taking a drink of tequila before singing.  I had this bad impression in my head about her.  BUT she turned out to be really talented and her band was awesome.  Not quite up to par as far as performances go when comparing her to Snow Patrol…but there’s really no competition.  Snow Patrol is and probably always will be, the absolute best live band I will see.  I got to stand front rail, slightly to the right of center which worked out better than dead center because Gary tends to go to either side of the center up to the very edge of the stage to sing.  It’s awesome.  Only bummer…he didn’t go into the crowd.  But hey, I have something to look forward to next time, right?  LOL.  My next goal is to meet the band AND to see them at every California concert they play next time they’re on tour.


It was a tiring but very amazing day.  After the concert, Brandi and I met up with Dustin, Corrie, Matt, Taylor, David, Kelli, and Jason and went to dinner.  Brandi and I shared the most disgusting mac and cheese on the planet.  Taylor and David bought me an awesome blue hoodie for my birthday present.  Then Dustin, Brandi, and I drove home.  We got back around 3:30ish am and I woke up the next day with a massive headache (no, I did not drink at the concert) and sick.  


What an amazing first concert of the last 365 days of being in my twenties.  I truly felt like a young 29 for those 24 hours and full of life and adventure.  Now, here’s some photos from the concert.  I’ll post more if my other photos ever upload to Facebook.  











Girls They Just Wanna Have Fun! (354)

Especially when they’re bored.  And, by “they,” I mean me.  LOL.  Today was a really great day.  Work was great, dinner with my mom and my aunt was great, shopping with Brandi at Wal Mart and Target was fun.  What’s not fun is my “I can’t sleep because I’m too excited” insomnia I’m dealing with right now.  So instead of actually sleeping, I put on some red lipstick with my new lip gloss and took pictures.  Classic me!  🙂



I love how green my eyes look in the second photo.  I love playing around with makeup.  Sometimes I really miss being in theater and getting to dress up and wear fun makeup all while acting as someone else.  It was so much fun!  Maybe when I go back to college when I’m done with VLI, I’ll audition for some plays or musicals.  Oooooor I’ll just start wearing red lipstick every day just for the hell of it!

Last night I couldn’t sleep either but I decided to waste time on Pinterest instead of doing something productive. I love Pinterest.  As a wrap up to tonight’s blog (and because I’m really tired and truly do need to go to sleep), here’s some of the stuff I pinned last night on Pinterest!


Peace and Happy Snow Patrol Day!!!!


If there’s a rocket tie me to it / Delena is the hottest fictional couple ever! (355)

Vampire Diaries Thursdays are one of my favorite days of the week.  It’s so much fun to watch the show with friends and root for Damon and Elena to get together finally and for for-ev-er! The sooner everyone gets on board the Damon and Elena train, the better.

Watching TVD was the highlight of my Thursday. Nothing monumental or super exciting happened today. I caught up on a few shows and watched some TV. I played guitar. I ate dinner.  I took a nap. Seriously, nothing exciting at all.  Work was good though. It went by really quickly which is always something I appreciate. I think it has something to do with it being Thursday. Tomorrow will probably go really slowly, especially since Saturday is Snow Patrol day!!! Yay!!!! I can’t even express how excited I am to see them again. It’s going to be awesome!


Snow Patrol!!!!

There’s something that’s bothered me for quite a few years and has recently come to my attention again. Why do guys find it so funny to pretend to be gay or to do quasi-homosexual things? Why is it considered so funny for two hetero guys to act like that but when girls do it, other women just think they’re stupid and guys think they’re hot? It just doesn’t make sense to me. Maybe it’s because I’m not the type of girl to do that? It’s not even a “christian” thing, it’s just who I am. Is that just a way for guys to be physically close to one another without other people legitimately wondering if they’re gay? Or is it really just the way guys think and what they find funny? Hopefully I’ll one day find an answer…

I’m thinking about starting a blog about all the books I read for school and for fun. Not necessarily for the benefit of other people so much as for my benefit to keep them all straight. I can literally read a fiction book in a few hours.  If it’s anywhere around 200-250 pages, it’ll probably only take me 3 to 4 hours to finish it. The only probably with being a fast reader is that I don’t always retain every detail of the story. Hence, the reason I am thinking of starting a blog about the books I read. I would also like to have a book club when I’m done with VLI so I can read books with my friends and discuss them. Anyone want to join me?

I must be going to sleep now aka read until I pass out from exhaustion. Insomnia and other external factors really suck. Peace and GO TEAM DAMON!!!!!!


“I’m on Fire” by Bruce Springsteen (356a)

Please read my blog “It’s a new dawn, it’s a new day, it’s a new life…and I’m feelin’ good.” (356) for more info.

It’s a new dawn, it’s a new day, it’s a new life…and I’m feelin’ good! (356)

“Sometimes good things fall apart so better things can fall together.”

-Marilyn Monroe


Today was a day of changes and I’m so happy it was!  This morning, I had woken up with the thought that I didn’t get the job I had interviewed for that I really wanted.  I had pretty much convinced myself that I wasn’t going to get it but, when I prayed about it, I told God that whatever He had in mind for me, I’m sure it was for the best and I’d make the best out of it!  So, I went to work early, worked hard, and had some laughs with my coworkers.  I actually had a really good conversation with my coworker, Pete, about  eventually moving to the Portland, OR/Vancouver, WA area.  He told me I would fit right in there and would love it (which is basically the same thing everybody has been telling me.  Apparently, he used to live there and owned a business there and everything.  I’m going to have to get his phone number so I can keep in touch and visit where he used to live and the business he used to own.  He said he’d give me some tips on where to go and things to do.  I’m trying to plan a trip there in the Spring to check things out.  I was thinking of going to Washington State Univ in Seattle but I keep hearing people say so many great things about Vancouver and Portland and there is a WSU in Vancouver so…who knows?  But that’s not for another few years.  


Why might that not be for another few years, you ask?  Well, you see, I got a call at 4:15pm from the job I interview with and I got the job!!!!!!  To say I’m excited is kind of an understatement.  I’m happy that my future employment is no longer up in the air.  I’m really looking forward to a new start in a new career.  The mortgage/housing industry has been really good to me.  I’ve grown up a lot these past 7 years in this industry and learned more than I ever thought possible.  But this is a great company and there’s a lot of potential for fantastic things to happen. I was so excited after I got the call that I ran back into the office and almost cried!  It’s kind of funny thinking back on it now.  It all still feels surreal though and probably will continue to feel that way until I’ve been working in my new job for a few months.  


After work I went and got my hair cut and colored and styled.  I love it!  My friend Corrie does my hair and she always does such a fantastic job.  My old hair color/cut used to look like this:




I loved the style.  You can’t tell from this photo but it was quite a bit shorter in the back than in the front. I love the contrast between the bright red and the black.  But I wanted something different.  So, after talking with Corrie and showing her some photos, we went with black and purple ombre.  You can’t really see the purple yet because it came out really dark but hopefully it’ll show up over the next week when I wash it.  She even got my stubborn hair to curl!!!!  I am so happy.  Right now, 5 hours after she curled it, my hair is still curly!  Here’s a photo of my new hair:




I love it, I love it, I love it!


The rest of my night was really good.  I went to my BFF’s house during Family Night and hung out with her and her family.  I love her family.  They’re such good people and they feel like family to me.  It’s so funny how the definition of family can include more than just the people you share DNA with.  Some of the people I love the most in this world are in no way related to me by blood or marriage.  Even though my actual cousins and even my brother live far away from me, I am so blessed to have people in my life whom I consider family.  They’re special and amazing and it amazes me that God has blessed me with such a great, big family!  Shoot, I even have a twin sister who lives half way across the world!  We may not be related by blood but she’s always in my heart.  I sound all sappy, I know.  I just can’t help it.  There are so many people in this world who probably don’t know just how profoundly they have affected me and just how much I love them.  I wish it were easier for me to tell them how I feel about them but I think people would probably just look at me like I’m crazy.  I can be a bit emotional sometimes and I have been hurt so much in my past, being called dramatic or over-emotional, that I get scared to tell people how I feel.  It’s so easy to write it out but it’s a completely different story to actually tell someone to their face how I feel.  This is probably one of those things I’ll be working on over the next year.  I don’t want to die or have anyone else die or move away without them knowing just how much they mean to me.  


In a completely unrelated topic, I’ve been listening to more classic rock, oldies, and rock from the 80’s lately.  Can I just say that Bruce Springsteen’s “I’m on Fire” is one hot song!  Who knew the same man who sang “Born in the USA” could make his voice sound like that?  


Goodnight everyone who reads my blogs.  Thank you for reading and being supportive.  I hope it’s as entertaining for you to read as it’s fun for me to write.

All great revelations, please take a number (357)

Today was a good Tuesday.  Work was long (I’m not sure why the work day has been seeming so long lately) but it wasn’t good or bad; just a normal Tuesday.

Acton Rehab was good though. Rick taught tonight on “forgive us our debts as we forgive our debtors” and I lead worship.  I’m in desperate need of learning some new songs. Everyone told me I did really well even though I have a sore throat and felt like I was only functioning at 68%. It’s times like these that I’m even more grateful for feedback.

I as super exhausted by the time I got home.  I made a very easy but yummy dinner- a Pb and J sandwhich- and fell asleep…at 9:30! Lol. I just woke up. Any other Tuesday it would be Dexter night with some friends but I guess we’re taking a break until our friend is done moving? Whatever the reason, I’m grateful for the time I get to now rest and hopefully get better. This is Snow Patrol weekend after all!!!!

To say that I’m excited to see Snow Patrol is an understatement. They’re one of my favorite bands and the only one, out of my fav’s that are touring. Lucky me!!!  As I wrap up tonight’s post, please look at this lovely photo of some of the members of Snow Patrol. See how close I was last time? I was in the front row on the left.  This time, I’ll be front row center baby!!!!


Hi, my name is Jenn and I’m addicted/obsessed with Snow Patrol.


Watching Nick at Nite aka the old TGIF with F.R.I.E.N.D.S thrown in (358)


I love watching Nick at Nite. It reminds me of being a kid.  Right now I’m watching Full House. It’s a total trip down memory lane because I can still remember watching these episodes for the first time! Later on I will watch The Nanny and then F.R.I.E.N.D.S. I have probably watched all the F.R.I.E.N.D.S. episodes more than any other TV show.  Luckily for all my friends, I only watch them by myself now.  I think everyone else would get annoyed with my constant quoting of all the lines and laughing at the events that are about to happen.  How on earth did they come up with such a timeless and re-watchable show? I mean, really! I don’t think I’ll ever get enough of it!

Today was a rough day at work. I won’t go into it because it’s done and over with.  It just reminded me that boundaries in all relationships, personal or professional, need to have super clear boundaries whenever possible and I need to enforce those boundaries.

Class was super good tonight though. I feel thoroughly encouraged and uplifted! Now I want to go out and speak directly to illness and administer healing in the name of Jesus! Woooo! This is one of the best quarters ever. Too bad it’s my last one. Well…I’m actually really happy it’s my last one. I’m so ready to graduate and move on to the next stage of my life.

Wait a second…what is the next stage of my life?! Only time will tell at this point…


Choosing to Believe A Beautiful Lie (359)



“Truth is beautiful, without doubt; but so are lies.” –Ralph Waldo Emerson



I’m having one of those days where I feel the need to dissect past relationships to see where they went wrong and what could have made them better.  Whether it was an almost 6 year relationship that almost led to marriage or my ill-fated non-relationship with a friend, I have come to the conclusion that I love to believe lies.  I love to look at what could be and live for the moments where things are good rather than take a step back and look at the reality, the ugly truth of it all.  


The truth is, my ex-fiance and I probably should have never made it to “fiance” status.  We probably should have examined things a bit more and broken up when he moved away, before I moved with him.  Then again, I don’t like to give up so easily.  I’m stubborn to a fault (obviously) and want things to work out.  I ignored that little voice in my head telling me not to go and jumped in with both feet, not realizing the water was 5 feet deep, leaving me with only an inch of room to breathe.  That was literally what it ended up feeling like towards the end.  I believed the lie that human love can conquer all and willpower and dedication were all that were needed to make a relationship work.  Unfortunately, I learned that lust and desire are powerful weapons and I, being a female, am not insusceptible to them.  I believed the lie that being someone’s best friend was enough to sustain a romantic relationship after I had fallen out of love and into the kind of love you would have for a friend, not someone you’d marry.  Ultimately, God saved me from that relationship and into a deeper relationship with Him.  


On to my non-relationship relationship.  I chose to believe the lie that a man and a woman could be best friends with no amount of attraction or sexual tension or romantic feelings developing.  Hahahahahahaha!!!   That’s the sound of my current self laughing at my past self for being so naive.  I also chose to believe that hanging out alone with a male best friend on an almost daily basis and acting like a couple did not mean that we were actually in a relationship or that we were a couple.  HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!  Please excuse my pesky current self.  I chose to believe that, after my ex fiance, I didn’t deserve to be in a real relationship.  I ignored my feelings I had for him and lied to myself and to everyone around me, causing me to be needy, controlling, depressed, and bitchy to all my friends and to my supposed best friend.  Alas, God saved me again, right in time.  After a long night of hanging out, while I was turning down my street in my car, God audibly asked me “Is this pleasing to God?!”  Realizing that it totally wasn’t, I asked for God to forgive me and decided to talk it out with my friend.  Inevitably, I got my heart broken by him but it was for the best in the end.  


Through my believing of those beautiful lies – that I was getting the best relationships I deserved – I was dooming myself to misery and heartache.  I still battle with believing that I’m not worthy to be loved and to take whatever I can get.  The lies allowed me to stay in an unhealthy relationship when, if I really looked for the truth, I would know to run for the hills.  Love and affection can be so addicting.


 Regardless of whether or not I ever do get to meet a guy who will sweep me off my feet and love me in a way that I can’t avoid the truth because it’s too beautiful and real, I will never regret those two relationships/non-relationships.  Yes, I was hurt and, yes, sometimes I still hurt over their memories, but it’s mostly because of my own stupidity.  I know what to be aware of now and I know what to look out for.  God will have to help me if I ever do meet someone who asks me out and wants to date me.  I’m so good at deceiving myself and I so love human affection, I am scared to believe the lies and not remain focused on the truth.  


Truth is, I know God loves me.  He loves me in such a way that He gave His own life for me.  He looks at me and says I’m beautiful.  He listens to my singing that sometimes goes off key and my guitar playing that sometimes has mistakes and tells me it’s the most beautiful piece of music he’s ever heard.  He loves me like no man on earth has ever loved me and like no man on earth ever will.  But oh how I want to find someone who will try and who will let me try to love him the best I can.


I hope we all can find love like that…


Three Rounds and a Sound or Meekness vs Courageousness (360)


Today I accomplished pretty much nothing. I had a sinus migraine all day so I ended up taking medicine and sleeping. Stupid sinuses and bipolar weather. 

But by 8pm I was feeling a bit better and joined the ladies from college group at the park for some pizza, chips, and cookies. Then we continued girl’s night at Brandi’s house. We talked about discipleship and sang some worship songs.  Then Lindy played some Christmas Carols on the guitar and we all painted our nails.  It was a lot of fun.  I love being a leader of the college group.  It’s so great knowing all these extraordinary young women. Hopefully all of us leaders are making positive impacts in their lives. 

Sleeping all day and being woozy from cold medicine gave me a lot of (legally) drugged time to think. I feel a bit more brave than I used to.  I remember in high school being so brave and, only after letting people really hurt me and abuse me, did I start having issues with being afraid. I want to break free of all my fears and be brave and adventurous. I just want a change.

But how do you balance being meek and humble with being brave and courageous?


Autumn weather makes me smile (361)



I love when it gets chilly again.  It seems like the Antelope Valley is always hot until, all of a sudden, it’s always cold.  We don’t really get a whole lot of Spring or Fall.  So, when the temperature drops to around 68-70 degrees for the high and a low of around 50, I get really excited.  Today and the past few days have been like that.  It seems like it went from being 90 degrees to 70 in a blink of an eye and tomorrow it will go from 70 degrees to 90 degrees in another blink of an eye.  I miss Fall.  I miss the time of year when you can go outside in layers: during the day you wear a tee shirt or a cardigan with a tank top and at night you get to wear a light jacket or hoodie.  I hate being hot at night.  I loooove getting to snuggle under a couple of blankets in my comfy bed and fall asleep from the weight of my blankets and the warmth of them while breathing in cool air.  Maybe that’s why I like camping so much?  I enjoy breathing cool, crisp air.  I really don’t enjoy warm, heavy air or hot air.  It feels stifling and awkward.  


Today was beautiful.  Yesterday was beautiful.  The day before was beautiful.  We only get a handful of days per year with gorgeous storm clouds (even if they don’t drop any rain).  


Today was also not quite as eventful as last Friday.  Last Friday I was 28 and at a bar seeing a band I really enjoy playing; Ives the Band.

  Joel, Brandi, and I went to Molly Malones in WeHo and saw them play and even got to chat with them after the show.  It was great and I felt like a young 28.  Today I feel like a slightly older 29 year old.  Work seemed to go on for longer than just 8 hours.  I went from being super excited about my interview yesterday to going back to normal at work, with normal work stresses, and the added stress of possibly letting everyone down if I don’t get the job I interviewed for.  Even though I really want it, there are a ton of factors that could prevent me from getting the job.  


Before my interview at TSC a year ago, I had never interviewed for a job I didn’t get.  Now, my confidence is a little shaken.  Interviewing was so different when I was a teenager (I’ve been working since I was 15) and even when I was on the other side of my twenties.  Now, every choice I make seems to have greater consequences.  It’s weird because I feel like I’m at a weird age when I should be settling down and I should have a legit career and possibly purchasing a house but I feel like I’m just starting to truly figure out what I want in life.  All of us Millennials have a different time schedule than other generations.  I don’t think it’s a bad thing but I do worry about not finding a husband in time to have children or my mom dying before I have kids.  The only comfort I have is that my life is in God’s hands.  He is in control and has a plan for me.  Being the control freak that I am at times, I would really like to know what that plan is but I’m trying to be patient and just enjoy the ride.  


But back to my day today.  I think I feel like an older 29 today because I went out to dinner and discussed ministry with Brandi and then went back to her house and played a card game with her and our friend Jason.  We listened to music and played the game and ate chocolate chip cookies I baked and enjoyed each other’s company.  AND I got home before midnight.  Maybe that’s why I feel older?  LOL who knows?  


Tomorrow is another day.  In fact, it’s 12:22am so I guess today is another day.  I’ve got reading/studying for school to do and some guitar playing to do as well.  I’ll maybe even make it to the gym before church and doing some ministry after church.  

Peace and goodnight,


Worthily Magnify

Exalting Jesus in His Church and Through His Word

Thought Catalog

Thought Catalog is a digital youth culture magazine dedicated to your stories and ideas.

The Mojave Foundation

Improving quality of life for citizens in Mojave

Thoughts from a somewhat mature husband, father, teacher, and Christ follower.

Improbable Dreamer

"I am and always will be the optimist, the hoper of far flung hopes and the dreamer of improbable dreams." Eleventh Doctor

Thusianzosan's Blog

Romans 12:1-2

Groovitude's Musings

Dreaming and thinking all the time.

Heart Burn

hearts burning for the truth...

But Not Before Coffee

My quirky take on God, life, and what's really important. But not before coffee.

Ella Brooke Photography

Photograpy, design, & random thoughts.

City on a Hill(ing)

Apart from Christ and caffeine, I am nothing.


incompletely reformed thoughts on God, ministry, and life

Lauren's Weblog

Just another weblog

Jax out of the Box

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God's Overflow

"For out of the overflow of his heart his mouth speaks" - Luke 6:45