Author Archives: Jenn

New Blog!!!

Hi friends!

I have a new blog I’ll be writing in from now on and I’d love for you to join me over there!

Please visit and follow me at where I’ll be writing about the next adventure in my life as well as blogging about traveling, music, books, and tons more!

See you there!

No More Coffee First Dates.

No More Coffee First Dates..




This was great!

Group Dinners and Awkward Car Rides

Group Dinners and Awkward Car Rides.

Why dream?

Why dream?.

This is the end, the story’s old and it goes on and on until we disappear. (1)

Well, this is it. My last day as a twentysomething.

I really would like to have some sort of epic last journal entry but I just don’t have one.

My twenties have been hard. Sometimes they were downright horrible. Other times were the best of my life this far. I’ve traveled up and down the California coast, to the South, across the country to the Midwest, and across the world to Belfast, Northern Ireland.

I’ve made some amazing friends, fallen in love, gotten my heart broken, found God, lost my way and sorta found it again, and discovered that I have the strength to pull through difficult times with enough help from my friends, family, and God.

I’ve had a couple of okay jobs, a very horrible job, and finally have a job working for a company I love. They’ve all taught me something new. I’ve had a lot of money, a little money, and practically no money. Somehow, I usually have enough money to get by.

I’ve taken risks. I’ve had some wins. I’ve had some losses. I’ve wished and hoped and seen some come to be and others have remained a dream.

I’ve lost two of the most important people in my life – my grandpa first and my grandma second. I had the privilege of holding a newborn baby, hours after she was born. I’ve met some amazing little girls who aren’t my own nieces but whom I love just like they were. I see hope and a future in them. I can only imagine the life ahead for them and how they will grow and experience some of the same things I’ve experienced.

I’ve learned that, as alone as I feel sometimes, I’m really not that alone. There’s always going to be someone to reach out to. Things aren’t always going to be easy but they won’t always be tough either. I’m not a twentysomething anymore but I’m still me.

I don’t feel like I should be thirty but I am. Time to deal with it and face this new day tomorrow with a hope for a future that is fulfilling, meaningful, and full of love.


For some reason, I love this photo


My last day as a twentysomething…

Last night I had a dream that we went to Disneyland, went on all the rides, and didn’t have to wait in line! (8)

I didn’t actually have a dream like that. Those are lyrics from an Ataris song I used to be obsessed with around the year 2003.

Any time I feel like reminiscing, I turn to the songs I listened to back around 2001-2004. Those were the years I started branching out from the status quo, stopped listening to the radio, and started listening mostly to indie rock, pop-punk, and emo. I loved it!!!

Those were the days I would stay up all night talking to people on an old school blogging site called and thought I was so rad because I had x’s and “emo” in my username before it was trendy. We would talk about all the angsty things going on in our lives, all the broken hearts we had, and the parties we went to. Oh the drama… How young and stupid and unaware we all were.

Then I grew up and the website starting breaking and being down more than it was up and there were these new sites called myspace and Facebook. They were different and encouraged you to actually know the people on the site instead of just making random friends with people across the inter webs. So that happened and the awesome music talk stopped and I started actually paying for music since it became illegal to download it…illegally.

But my love for music never waned. It grew as the number of candles on my birthday cakes did. I couldn’t get enough. I needed to explore more than what they were forced to play on the radio. I started going to more and more concerts and discovered new bands through that venue as well as finding new friends with new and interesting music to listen to.

As the years have passed, I’ve never stopped loving music and discovering new artists. My tastes have become much more eclectic and diversified. But no matter how much my musical tastes grow, the bands I listened to from 2001-2004 will always hold a special place in my heart!

Peace, love, and chocolate chai tea lattes,

PS Please leave me a comment and let me know of any bands you think are awesome!


That time when I wrote something awesome and it got deleted (9)

I’m so not going to write it all out again.

Mostly because my computer sucks and I did it all on my phone.

So, just know, it was epic and awesome and, in the end, I decided I’m starting to actually be optimistic about the next 10 years of my life.

And there was a grumpy cat photo. See below.



Eek! Only 20 days left… (20)

So, I haven’t been writing because, well, life got in the way. I wouldn’t trade the past few days for anything though.

There’s been some way crazy stuff happening but there’s been some really, really awesome stuff happening too! Hence, why I haven’t written.

I’m getting nervous for my birthday. Despite #alltheamazingthings that are coming up in the next 12-13 months, I’m still not ready to leave my twenties behind. I know that I’m still going to be me but that stupid 2 changing to a 3 seems to signify the end of my youth and the beginning of my adult life. As if now, I’m not allowed to silly or go on crazy adventures because that’s the sort of stuff that goes on in your twenties not your thirties.

I feel like a broken record and I don’t want to anymore. I am looking forward to going to San Fran for the dreaded day. I’ll be helping out/staying at the YWAM base there. By helping out, I mean that I’ll be tagging along with my friend who’s a missionary there and hoping to get to do some ministry. I also hope to meet up with some people from the #STARTexp if we can arrange it.

Today was a really positive day. Good things are happening. Good, crazy, amazing things are in the works. I’ll share when the time is right. For now, I’m off to sleep way past my bedtime.

Peace, love, and pumpkin spice lattes!


Insidious 2 was so scary I almost cried!!!! (26)

I’m not really a fan of horror movies, mostly because they’re filled with a lot of gore and usually someone gets naked.  I am a fan of suspenseful, scary movies with good plots though.  When Insidious came out, I thought it looked really interesting.Image



What I didn’t know was that I was about to be scared out of my mind!!!  But the story was so well done and I thought the acting was so great that I didn’t mind being terrified.  And yes! I do mean actually terrified!


Then, when I saw the previews for Insidious 2, I knew I had to go see it!  Image I thought it was just as scary, if not more so!  I literally almost cried a few times during the movie, that’s how terrified I was!!! Now, if you’re looking for an in depth kind of movie review, I’m definitely not the person to ask.  I would have to watch a movie a few times in order to give you a really great review.  I have two awesome friends, Jason and Alex, who review movies for me and give me a synopsis of any that I forget!  (Thanks again, Alex!)  But I would highly recommend watching the first Insidious and then seeing Insidious 2.


Oh, and what movie night or any other night would be complete without a silly selfie with your BFF?  Well, I have two of them!  Boom!  Here you go!  












Peace, love, and white chocolate mochas!


Worthily Magnify

Exalting Jesus in His Church and Through His Word

Thought Catalog

Thought Catalog is a digital youth culture magazine dedicated to your stories and ideas.

The Mojave Foundation

Improving quality of life for citizens in Mojave

Thoughts from a somewhat mature husband, father, teacher, and Christ follower.

Improbable Dreamer

"I am and always will be the optimist, the hoper of far flung hopes and the dreamer of improbable dreams." Eleventh Doctor

Thusianzosan's Blog

Romans 12:1-2

Groovitude's Musings

Dreaming and thinking all the time.

Heart Burn

hearts burning for the truth...

But Not Before Coffee

My quirky take on God, life, and what's really important. But not before coffee.

Ella Brooke Photography

Photograpy, design, & random thoughts.

City on a Hill(ing)

Apart from Christ and caffeine, I am nothing.


incompletely reformed thoughts on God, ministry, and life

Lauren's Weblog

Just another weblog

Jax out of the Box

Living. Thinking. Designing. Out of the Box.

God's Overflow

"For out of the overflow of his heart his mouth speaks" - Luke 6:45