Blog Archives

Face Punch! Punch Faces! -or- I’m part of a super secret revolution! (85)

So my bestie forwarded me an email about punching fear in the face and joining a revolution of people who are setting a goal and working towards achieving that goal, no matter how scary it might be or how crazy it may seem.

So naturally, I decided to face my biggest fear and challenge myself to write songs. Only three songs though since three doesn’t seem super intimidating to me. I can’t decide whether or not to just make them all worship songs or what kind of music I actually want to write. I know I want it to be of the indie folk-rock kinda scene-ish persuasion but we’ll see how it comes out.

Here’s the scariest part…once I’m done writing the songs, I’m going to play them for people! Eeeeeek!!! At least I have some poetry to kinda fall back on and work into songs. The hardest part so far seems to be coming up with strumming patterns that don’t sound like other songs I know. Maybe that’s why so many worship songs sound similar? We worship leaders get used to playing other people’s music and then write stuff that sounds the same-ish?

Idunno. But anyways I’ve now publicly announced to my partner and to everyone who reads my blog that this is my goal. So you might be able to expect some non professional sorta crummy demos to be posted in about a month and a half or so.

Now it’s time for bed. I feel like an old person. I got home after work and was so tired, I feel asleep before 9pm! Oops. Now I’m up and I need to try to sleep instead of staying up reading and watching Back to the Future.




Three Rounds and a Sound or Meekness vs Courageousness (360)


Today I accomplished pretty much nothing. I had a sinus migraine all day so I ended up taking medicine and sleeping. Stupid sinuses and bipolar weather. 

But by 8pm I was feeling a bit better and joined the ladies from college group at the park for some pizza, chips, and cookies. Then we continued girl’s night at Brandi’s house. We talked about discipleship and sang some worship songs.  Then Lindy played some Christmas Carols on the guitar and we all painted our nails.  It was a lot of fun.  I love being a leader of the college group.  It’s so great knowing all these extraordinary young women. Hopefully all of us leaders are making positive impacts in their lives. 

Sleeping all day and being woozy from cold medicine gave me a lot of (legally) drugged time to think. I feel a bit more brave than I used to.  I remember in high school being so brave and, only after letting people really hurt me and abuse me, did I start having issues with being afraid. I want to break free of all my fears and be brave and adventurous. I just want a change.

But how do you balance being meek and humble with being brave and courageous?


Worthily Magnify

Exalting Jesus in His Church and Through His Word

Thought Catalog

Thought Catalog is a digital youth culture magazine dedicated to your stories and ideas.

The Mojave Foundation

Improving quality of life for citizens in Mojave

Thoughts from a somewhat mature husband, father, teacher, and Christ follower.

Improbable Dreamer

"I am and always will be the optimist, the hoper of far flung hopes and the dreamer of improbable dreams." Eleventh Doctor

Thusianzosan's Blog

Romans 12:1-2

Groovitude's Musings

Dreaming and thinking all the time.

Heart Burn

hearts burning for the truth...

But Not Before Coffee

My quirky take on God, life, and what's really important. But not before coffee.

Ella Brooke Photography

Photograpy, design, & random thoughts.

City on a Hill(ing)

Apart from Christ and caffeine, I am nothing.


incompletely reformed thoughts on God, ministry, and life

Lauren's Weblog

Just another weblog

Jax out of the Box

Living. Thinking. Designing. Out of the Box.

God's Overflow

"For out of the overflow of his heart his mouth speaks" - Luke 6:45